Theater Scholarship Recipient Alana Lyons Profile

Where are you from?

Gloucester, VA.

When do you plan to graduate?

Spring 2022.

What area are you focusing in (performance, education, design, stage management, directing, etc)? 

My concentration is in performance.

What do you want to do after graduating?

I would love to work in the DC/NOVA area as a steady working actress. 

What play would you recommend the Friends read?

Ruined by Lynn Nottage.

What difference has this scholarship made for you?

This scholarship has allowed me to continue school and not go into debt.

What made you want to come to Mason?

Mason provided me with the opportunity to make my education my own. I got to choose what I wanted to focus on in picking my concentration and individual classes. 

What School of Theater productions have you worked on?

Mason Player Originals as an ensemble member and Rags and Men On Boats as a props artisan.

What are you most looking forward to doing after social distancing has ended?

Getting to energize like an extrovert again.

What is your favorite musical?

I can't say that I have one. There are so many different styles of musicals that I find them difficult to compare. Ragtime and Wicked will always stand out to me though. 

What is your dream role or production to direct, design, or stage manage?

Elphaba in Wicked, with my classmate, Ariel Kraje, as Glinda.